Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What are your future plans?

Anyone that studies a language at school will have been asked this a billion times. In French, Madame Craw is constantly nagging "Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?". When we did that topic for an assessment, I had hardly thought about my "l'avenir". This was maybe back in Year 11, when the end of Year 13 was still far, far away.

So. Plans.
I have a plan A, Act.Sci in London, but that's so far fetched and unlikely (not to mention my chances of succeeding are tiny), I've decided to put my efforts into plan B instead.
If plan B doesn't work out because of my own incompetency, then plan C (not in Act.Sci) will have to do, though my parents probably won't allow me to attempt plan C at all if plan B doesn't come through. Both of these plans are in Australia, and they want a ridiculously good level 3 NCEA results that I probably can't give them.
Plan D involves studying a BCom in New Zealand, then migrating somewhere else. 
Plan E involves studying in New Zealand and then working in New Zealand. I really hope it I don't have to resort to this.
Plan F is utter failure at everything listed above, and I guess I'll just be an unemployed bum living on government benefit, ripping my living off hard working tax payers.

Or get married.
Marrying a rich ass can be plan the new Plan F, but honestly, if I failed at all everything before Plan F, I'll probably fail plan G as well.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Ideas for a collective URL.
Unless you want to be stuck with MsObsessive =D

An idea?

Hi guys,

Since I've all but moved to Wordpress, I've been thinking about what to do with this one. You know how I'm all like "Everyone must keep blogging so I can catch up with them next year"?

I'm thinking of inviting a group of the usual regular bloggers as co-authors for this one blog. There'll be links to individual blogs but it's just like a public discussion :)

Just for Alex and Naveen... since they keep going on about Digging, there's a nice Digging link with this page.

So, anyone?