Saturday, January 1, 2011

20 Questions

Since some of you haven't been blogging on a regular basis and we're all so far away from each other, fill this in. It's what you get for neglecting the Mighty Cabbage! >=D Just copy and paste it onto your comment form and answer them!

  1. What did you do today (or are planning to do)?
  2. What uni have you been going to?
  3. What have you been studying?
  4. Describe uni life in three words
  5. What are you specialising in this year?
  6. Do you have any idea what you want to do after uni? (In terms of career choice)
  7. What are your plans after uni? (Aside from working)
  8. Has your group of friends/type of people you hang out with changed drastically?
  9. Have you changed drastically?
  10. Flatting or halls this year?
  11. What food have you found yourself eating the most of last year?
  12. What is the latest time you've going to bed?
  13. What is the latest time you've hauled your ass out of bed?
  14. What is your best excuse for not blogging?
  15. On a scale of one to ten, rate yourself on how well you've performed academically last year.
  16. State your top new year's resolution for 2011.
  17. You've been given $10k for your OE, where would you head off to first? (Feel free to include why.)
  18. Are you considering leaving New Zealand for work after uni or staying on for a bit? (Specify how long you're staying on if you are.)
  19. How often do you update your Facebook status? There really are only three camps for this: little, regularly, obsessive-compulsively.
  20. What you you really really really want this year? That item you're just dying to buy but can't right now because your dad isn't Bill Gates.


Jenna said...

1. Today I plan to finish packing for Melbourne, say good bye to New Zealand (because we're permanently moving out of the country), spend time with the family watching Inception again (epic movie), and get a good night's sleep as the first sleep of the year.

2. Melbourne uni... > ANU

3. Bachelor of Commerce.

4. Better than expected.

5. Accounting & Finance?

6. Get a job.

7. Get a job.

8. New people, but they're similar in personality to old friends xD

9. People say I have. So I guess. But "drastically" is a strong word...

10. Flatting! Halls are way too expensive... 500 a week *cringe*

11. Mi Goreng. LMAO. Cuz I can't make anything else. Oh and shredded chicken + different salads.

12. The latest...? LOL... um... 10pm the next day?

13. Um... 9pm? XD and then I went to uni at 11pm. My day cycles are seriously screwed up around exam time.

14. wtf I blog more than any of you xD I make time.

15. Um... 6? I passed...

16. <-- NY resolutions. Cbb typing it out again.

17. If I had 10k, I'd go to the Maldives.

18. I'm already leaving... :(

19. little to regularly. I usually update twitter instead.

20. ... you know what I'd like? I'd like Bill Gate's children's inheritance.

Anonymous said...

1. Went to some mountains and picked oranges. Yes. Oranges. On the first day of the year.
2. Otago Uni!!
3. Health Science First Year.
4. So totally awesome =P
5. I still dont know! Dentistry, Dent tech or Biomed D:
6. Depends what I end up choosing ^courses for this year...
7. Work my ass off to pay back student loan. I dont like being in debt.
8. Made new group of friends but stayed in touch with most burnside people (in dunedin) from time to time
9. I dont know?
10. Flatting
11. Potato. Never ever again.
12. Um, 10pm the next day? But normally around 3 or 4am (Not good, dont learn)
13. 2pm? This is not including the time Ive spent the whole day in bed because I was sick.
14. I blog really often! But excuses would be IM JUST TOO LAZY T^T
15. 7 I guess. At least I got into Dent. But MY MED. *SOb* Shouldve worked harder.
16. Read my blog (:
17. I'll get back to this one day.
18. Depends if I decide to study post grad somewhere else? Uncertainties uncertainties.
19. Little (?) I just cant be bothered.
20. I just want a few apartments all over the world. Yes, JUST.

Alex said...

1. On the first of January I slept in to 2pm, then had the best breakfast fry up in the world with my sister at 4. Then spent twelve hours watching DVDs. The night before was considerably more eventful.

2. Chch

3. Engineering.

4. Different. Comfortable. Possibility-laden.

5. Mechatronics Engineering. No, I don't know what that is either.

6. Something either corporate or researchy, no teaching/lecturing here. Preferably overseas, something challanging that lets you travel.

7. Subtly but surely. It's about 50/50 old friends and new, and the old people aren't the same anyway. Everyone changes.

8. Changed, definitely. Drastically, no.

10. 2010, home, 2011, flatting.

11. Sushi. Pretty much live off the stuff.

12. Was awake Thursday morning through to 5am on Saturday morning.

13. Around 3pm.

14. Never got into it in the first place =p

15. My GPA divided by 9 equates to 9.111* out of 10, but I'd prob give myself an 8. Next year, less minuses, more pluses.

16. Constantly aim for improvement - increase GPA by at least 0.3, get fitter, learn Guitar. Broaden horizons - experience new things, meet new people, challange my own attitudes and beliefs.

17. Brazil. People to visit. After that, Ibiza.

18. Yes. Leaving straight after uni; in fact going on an exchange during degree if at all possible.

19. Little.

20. Samsung Galaxy S. But hell, I'm going to buy it anyway.

Alex said...

16. Continued: Also, learn to spell. Challenge, not challange. wtf

Eva said...

Omgosh, I want the exact same phone. I'm just hoping Samsung's smartphone screens don't crack as easily as Apple's iPhone.