Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Choice

This is going to sound very random, but it's interesting to hear everyone's opinions.

Ivy asked me the other day - if you had to pick out of:
1. Someone who likes you but you don't like them OR
2. Someone you like yet doesn't like you back

...Who would you pick?

I know I'd pray that the guy I like would like me back. Or I could somehow find it in my heart to like the person who liked me.. but fate often doesn't work out the way we want it to...

So pick one :)


xxSarah said...

Lol everyones been asking about this =.=
i pick 1.

Anonymous said...

I also pick one.

You'll learn to like the person for this loyalty and companionship.

Liking someone who just doesn't like you back equates to self-torture and self-inflicted pain. Why would you do that?

Alex said...

Bullshit. I'd pick 2 every day.

(altho maybe it's different from a guys perspective? idk)

anyway. If you pick 1, then really you're cheating both people. Someone who likes you wants you to LIKE THEM BACK. Not to fake it.

I know i'd rather just have nothing than to go out with a girl who didn't like me, no matter how much I liked her.

Secondly. The first option doesn't really give you anything beyond a shallow convenience relationship. Probably not gonna really give you anything in the end anyway. Sure, option 2 might not work out most of the time, they might just not like you, but how are you ever gonna know if you've got a chance if you don't try?

If you don't like em, keep em as a friend. And expect others to do the same to you.

honesty is the best policy ;)

Alex said...

Then again, maybe the number of relationships i've had is a clue at what happens if you never settle for 1 haha...

Jingy xx said...

LOL i really do think it's a guy thing. I was talking to someone else the other day and they pretty much said the same thing. Tbh I think it's easier for a girl to have a change of heart (generalization). Me personally, I just couldn't go out with him aye...

But then again you never know till you try. Hmm

Anonymous said...

never say never

Firerain said...

Neither, just wait it out as a loner... X(