Wednesday, May 19, 2010


People, you've been neglecting your blogs.

Naveen: post something!!!! Please.

Sarah, Jenny, Hayley: you're posts are so deep and profound, I reckon you guys might have a chance of getting 20 out of 20 in philosophy class here.

Me: I have a feeling that my blog is going stale. It that only me? There's nothing new or exciting to blog about now...*big sigh* I can't wait till I go to England. I let you guys know every minute detail =) (that sounds weird...)

My host mum's parents are coming to France next week. Apparantly she's a serious control freak who likes to make harsh and unecessary comments. Yay. Can't wait till she leaves.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Days in Melbourne

Hey, how are things with everyone?

I thought I'd just post a few quick things I've learned about Australia.

#1. Aussies love bagging New Zealand. I'm not kidding. The sheep jokes are horrible, omg. Sometimes I can't help but not laugh though. After I got here I found that I really do like grass and ... well, sheep.

#2. This place is a guy's paradise. In the height of summer, all the girls here are gorgeous and tall, evenly tanned and barely any see-through clothing on. It looks good mostly, even from a girl's point of view. I felt so retarded cuz I didn't bring much summer clothes with me (courtesy of my mum, or the friend of my mum; whoever gave the crap advice)

#3. Don't complain about Chch bus prices. Melbourne is far, far worse - at least to the normal non-concessioned riders like myself. However, these trams come frequently and takes you almost everywhere you need to go. They've also got the buses (I've not been a bus yet) and trains. Trams aren't the old kind we see doing loops around Chch city.

#4. Public transport isn't a form of relaxation. In Chch, we're all like *SLOMP* onto the seats on the bus on the way back from work. Unless it's peak times people hardly stands and everyone has a seat. Here, most likely you'll have to stand. Or worse, stand tightly squeezed between other people.

#5. The city doesn't die after midnight. That's good, you know. Trams actually run until 1pm. I thought that was epic, considering how the orbiter stops running at like, 11pm.

#6. People start wearing boots when it hits 20C. While 20C for us would be perfectly nice weather for a typical day - ie, two layers tops - people here start wearing BOOTS. Geez guys, it's not the end of the world.

#7. EVERYTHING IS CHEAPER. Almost. Clothes, technology, stationery, FOOD. All cheaper - you can get lunch at a restaurant easily for $10-$15. Sushi rolls are between $1.60-$2.50 that I've seen so far, and the range is way larger.

#8. Monash and Melbourne University is okay. All other universities deserves their fair share of dissing. It's kind of like how we make fun of Lincoln University in Canterbury, no offence.

#9. Spiders here are creepy. I've seen some pretty hectic spiders around here. There are less in the city, but I was at a family friends' place and I saw one... and I thought it was a plastic toy, because it was THIS BIG. IT WAS MASSIVE. Think a huge dandy long-legs and then DOUBLE IT. No tarantulas yet!!

#10. Last! and most importantly.... I'm starting to like it here. Still kind of lonely sometimes, but I'm beginning to learn that solitude as a good thing. It has to be. Otherwise I'd go crazy.

Now time for everyone else to update.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The lion and the homosexual mouse

there is this really awesome article i found today.
read it lol its on my blog- oh and a word of warning... its
about a homosexual mouse

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sarah's uni blog.

20th post:

Sarah's blog for university:

Jenny: Wordpress > Blogger! Omg i love how i can have private, protected and normal posts. Even though im still kinda getting used to it. Way too many buttons and functions ><" but im getting there!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Multi-language URL

New blog: http://www.珍妮
(Jenny translated to Chinese = 珍妮, which is quite a nice name in my opinion :] )

I think these are quite cool.
Finally, the world of web is accepting other languages for URLs.

When my wordpress domain screwed up, I decided to just make a new one.
(I now detest automated updates. They update. They meet some problem. They stop. Everything fails.)

I haven't got anything set up yet, everything is going through verification blah, blah, blah.
It should be done by tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The 19th.. pretty much the day before everyone leaves right.

So, assuming that people aren't planning on leaving at like 2am the next morning, i propose we get everyone who matters to head up to a good spot on the hills and have a big bonfire, maybe watch the sunset. That night is really the time when things change: we go from one world to another, whether one group of friends, or - for those going - a city.

Lets end this era with a bang yeah?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

OMG!! Guess What!!!

Lincoln University accepted me!!!!

The one in England, of course.

I felt like sharing that to the whole world.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

China Bans Blogger

But here I am! Like Superwoman!

Hello guys, I haven't forgotten about our cabbage either.

Seems like so much has happened since I last checked.
So what's happened with me?

I'm still in China.
Within China, I moved cities about kazillion times.
I've been to even more restaurants. Everything from shabby to holy six star restaurants (the lobsters were SO GOOD).

I have turned into a complete pig and tries everything cookable (except for snails. I refuse to eat snails.)

I just got back from Hainan Island. Parts of it is really crowded with people, but we booked a nice little hotel (five star, just opened) by a secluded part named 亚龙湾... it is gorgeous there. Right there.

I got into Melbourne University, against all odds.
And if my family can manage financially, I'm going.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just to prove...

...that mighty Cabbage hasn't been forgotten ^^

Newsflash: I'm changing host familys, woohoo!
Newsflash: my french is shite. *Big sigh*

Wishlist: I hope I get to visit Germany during my stay here

Newsflash: my German is crappier than my French. It only stretches out to Guten Morgan and other Guten greetings, entschuldigung, bitte, and ich heisse Eva. Someone, please help me.

Thursday, January 21, 2010