Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The lion and the homosexual mouse

there is this really awesome article i found today.
read it lol its on my blog- oh and a word of warning... its
about a homosexual mouse


Alex said...

Better: The Lion and the Mouse

Once a lion was awakened from his sleep by a mouse. The lion raised his paw to crush the mouse, but the mouse begged for mercy. 'If you let me live,' he said, 'I will one day repay your kindness.' The lion scoffed at the idea that a humble mouse could ever help a mighty lion, but nonetheless he let the mouse go. The mouse promptly sued the lion for an estimated five hundred thousand dollars, citing assault and mental anguish. The lion took to the bottle, and died a penniless wino.

Moral: No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Best: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Once a wolf decided to get closer to the flock, so he disguised himself as a sheep. He walked amongst the flock, deceiving sheep and shepherd alike. That night, as he was about to devour one of the sheep, he was repeatedly sexually molested by the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Moral: Umm..

Jenna said...

Lmao what kind of book is this.

Hayley Wei said...

it was in the canta mag

Jenna said...

Nice morals they're teaching.