Friday, August 29, 2014


I think we have all been pretty terrible with keeping in touch... Haha Jenny, I think I'm more too lazy to catch up with everyone, rather than too busy :( I'm sorry.

Since high school:
- Graduated with a biomed degree nearly 2 years ago (my gosh time flies)
- Studying my second degree doing oral health
- Half taking over my mum's work/still in the process of learning about the basic stuff (I don't have a business mind at all. It's terrible)
- Spending too much money
- Travel

I feel like we should all get together one day and do a proper catch up! I know with jobs and us all being in different cities/countries, it's a bit hard but maybe if we put in the effort and plan something? It'll be nice to see everyone's faces.

I think that's all I have to update. If you want to know more there's always my blog that I update once a year: :P

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