Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What are your future plans?

Anyone that studies a language at school will have been asked this a billion times. In French, Madame Craw is constantly nagging "Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?". When we did that topic for an assessment, I had hardly thought about my "l'avenir". This was maybe back in Year 11, when the end of Year 13 was still far, far away.

So. Plans.
I have a plan A, Act.Sci in London, but that's so far fetched and unlikely (not to mention my chances of succeeding are tiny), I've decided to put my efforts into plan B instead.
If plan B doesn't work out because of my own incompetency, then plan C (not in Act.Sci) will have to do, though my parents probably won't allow me to attempt plan C at all if plan B doesn't come through. Both of these plans are in Australia, and they want a ridiculously good level 3 NCEA results that I probably can't give them.
Plan D involves studying a BCom in New Zealand, then migrating somewhere else. 
Plan E involves studying in New Zealand and then working in New Zealand. I really hope it I don't have to resort to this.
Plan F is utter failure at everything listed above, and I guess I'll just be an unemployed bum living on government benefit, ripping my living off hard working tax payers.

Or get married.
Marrying a rich ass can be plan the new Plan F, but honestly, if I failed at all everything before Plan F, I'll probably fail plan G as well.


Eva said...

Plan A: uni in England - International Business

Plan B: uni in NZ - BCom in international Business with German and Chinese papers.

No other plans. Plan B is when I'm extremely desperate when I get rejected by all UK unis. (oh please god, don't let it come to that!)

Jingy xx said...

I plan on being trophy wife :D

Here's the deal:
Go to uni, meet a literal WHP, go travelling around the world to every remote location available, make him dish every cent from his pocket, flag him, then marry a real WHP

Anyone keen on sharing a few cents?
I'll be rich enough to give you all some :)

Anonymous said...

Trophy wife = plan F.
except I don't have the qualities of being a trophy wife!

I think I'll go for the rich nerd :) let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Jingy xx said...

you could be future einstein!!!
Your face could be plastered on future $1000NZ notes!

Alex said...

Nah thats where kevin jan is gonna be. If you wanna be a trophy wife you should go get cosy with him about now

Anonymous said...

the whole pt is to marry future einstein.

"Hi Kevin,
Just in case you don't know me, I'm Jenny. Can you stay single just so you can be my reserve if I fail at plan F?

Jingy xx said...

Wait say what?
Kevin's mine Jenny. Ladies first. Hands off :P

Anonymous said...

You're the man of all your marriages, go away.

xxSarah said...

Sorry, im going to steal him =P

Alex said...

I'm claiming 50% royalties on all proceeds from you guys using my intellectual property: i.e. the idea to marry kevin.

Jingy xx said...

(Alex secretly is just jealous of all of us. Deep down, as in waaaay deep down, as in like..... DEEEP after all the layers of the onion-heart are revealed, he is secretly harnessing a desire towards Kevin Jan. It's okay, we understand you do not wish to admit to this affection, but we all know it)
And we all get 75% Proceeds + GST! :D

Alex said...


I admit it.

I'm jealous.

VERY jealous.

Of you guys getting kevin's money.

Firerain said...

Filthy Gold diggers! =0 LOL!